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Early Bird

Play two courses for the price of one Mon - Fri from 11am until 1pm & Sun from 10am until 12pm

Play two courses for the price of one Mon - Fri from 11am until 1pm & Sun from 10am until 12pm

Play two courses for the price of one Mon - Fri from 11am until 1pm & Sun from 10am until 12pm

Play two courses for the price of one Mon - Fri from 11am until 1pm & Sun from 10am until 12pm

Play two courses for the price of one Mon - Fri from 11am until 1pm & Sun from 10am until 12pm
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Opening Hours

Today's Treetop

11:00Doors open
12:00Pizza Cabana Open
13:00Early Bird Ends
21:00Pizza Cabana Closed
21:15Last tee time (2 courses)
21:45Last tee time (1 course)
22:00Doors close
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Getting here

Bullring & Grand Central Birmingham B5 4BA

See Map

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It doesn’t take a cryptic carving to know that the more you play, the more you save. Trek both the Tropical Trail and Ancient Explorer to enjoy extraordinary savings.

  • Adventurers



  • Lil' Explorers


    0-5 years (only pay to play)

  • Student Travellers


    With valid student ID

  • Seasoned Trekkers




  • Family Tours of 4


    To include one child 12 or under

Local Guidebook

Your trip to Treetop

Save the decoding for the cryptic carvings – your visit made easy by our Treetop tour guides.

Signature illustration of the golden Fabulous Sacred Mask, wearing an Aztec crown with blue and pink jewels.
Visitor centre

Ask our guides

Questions and queries about your extraordinary adventure? Hit them this way.


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